Jobs are more than a paycheck
—they’re a big part of who we are.
People entering the workforce will have 15-20 jobs during their careers. But often no one teaches you how to get a job. Or build a career. And the talent market’s broken. It’s too hard for good people to find the jobs they want and for good organizations to find the people they need. So we settle.
Costs for this dysfunction? Huge.
Countless bad hires, low employee engagement, mediocre productivity, rampant dissatisfaction, and high turnover.
Fixing the global talent market and improving the use of human capital means refusing to settle for 63% workforce participation and 51% job satisfaction.
It means recognizing poor job fit hurts the employee, the employer, and the economy. And that poor job fit causes serious physical and emotional health problems.
Research clearly shows that stress and happiness levels at work have a huge impact on your overall well-being. But short of making doctors career coaches, what can be done?
We think it begins with a mindset shift.
From finding a job to building a career. And from thinking about career-building as a series of transactions to a set of behaviors. It’s about developing career competence and fluidity. So you can get jobs you truly like. Jobs that fit.
We believe that meaningful, productive, satisfying work is critical to individual health and happiness.
That’s why we do what we do.
Founding partners

joanne markow

jacques driscoll
Joanne enjoys mixing creativity, international business and EdTech in changing times to develop better performance, brands, and growth for individuals and organizations. Her success in running global e-learning operations resulted from finding and motivating top talent—while helping people push boundaries to advance skills. As a certified career coach and senior director at an international business school, Joanne saw the need to introduce new tools, approaches, and curriculum for global students who want to work here or abroad.
Jacques focuses on creating compelling experiences to help people learn and connect. He’s helped dozens of companies tell their stories, grow, and build powerful brands—by developing successful business models, naturally-designed physical and virtual environments, innovative products and services, and fearless marketing. As a leader, Jacques encourages personal growth, and believes in giving people the confidence to achieve more than they thought possible.