Have you previously struggled with or are you now struggling with getting a job you really like? A job that fits with your lifestyle? A job that provides for you and your family?
If you’re like most Americans, the answer is probably “yes.” Figuring out how to “do this” can be a challenge. Especially in today’s world when we’re bombarded with information.
But with CareerMason’s proven natural approach, you could find a job you love—and one that protects your health and well-being. A job that provides long-term economic security for you and your family.
Take a look at how a new approach is reshaping how we think about finding jobs and building careers.

jobs during your lifetime
People entering the workforce today will have 15-20 jobs during their lifetime.
We believe that getting a job and building a career should be a natural process. Where your value is transferable. Where one job leads to another naturally and new opportunities flow from prior experiences. Creating pathways to continuous employment and economic security.
And a career should be personal. Jobs are more than a paycheck—they’re a big part of who we are. Instead of being defined by your job, your job should be a reflection of you.
But realizing this vision, making your career more natural and personal, requires a mindset shift. From getting a job to building a career. And it requires an ongoing investment in yourself.

Getting a job...
Career success is based on a combination of five factors that create what we call Career Fluidity:
Growth mindset
Career competence
Together, these factors help you achieve lifelong job satisfaction and economic security, and improve your health and well-being.

...to building
a career

Timeless Truths
Understanding comes from personal experience and reflection.
True connections require genuine foundations.
Stories are the most engaging, persuasive and memorable form of communication.
Thriving or surviving results from environmental fit.
Your attitude shapes your experience.
Isn’t it time you achieve a healthy relationship with work? So you can improve your health and well-being, and develop economic security for you and your family?

It's natural
Neuroscience tells us that we pursue what we enjoy, we learn where we have interest, and we acquire mastery when we’re engaged. Except when it comes to finding a job. Or seeking a promotion. Or changing careers.
Why? It’s not because we believe there aren’t jobs out there that we would love. Jobs that would challenge and inspire us. Jobs that would reward us. Jobs we could master. Jobs we want. We know they’re out there. We just don’t know how to get them. And we don’t know how to learn how to get them.
Because finding and getting a job has always been confusing, secretive, stressful. Unnatural.
Until now.
CareerMason uses a natural approach to career building based on five timeless truths. Focused on the person, not the process; on stories, not forms; on personal connections, not computer matches.
It inspires a mindset shift in three profound ways:
From finding a job to building a career.
From trying to know yourself and find your passion through assessments and computer algorithms to using your personal experience to understand who you are and what you like to do.
From viewing job search as a one-time transaction to seeing it as development of specific skills and lifelong habits.
Powered by the neuroscience of storytelling and some cool artificial intelligence, CareerMason helps you build your brand, tell your story, and find your fit. So you can develop the career competence you need to get jobs you really like.
It’s fun, it’s easy, and it works.